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Inclusion & Diversity

Marr RFC – Equality and Diversity Policy

The Equality Act 2010 which became law in 2010 has added significant impetus for all organisations to have a clear equal opportunity statement as well as an Equality Policy in relation to equal opportunities and diversity in the club.
The 9 Protected Characteristics are:
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Sex
4. Sexual orientation
5. Race
6. Religion or belief
7. Gender reassignment
8. Marriage or civil partnership
9. Pregnancy and maternity
Marr RFC is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst the membership of the club. It is within our best interest to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination at the club.
All members must have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in rugby union as well as non-rugby union activities at the club, at all levels and in all roles. That includes participation as a beginner or elite performer, and as a coach, official, referee, manager, administrator, spectator or social member.
In its relationships with members in its provision of services and any sport, it is the aim of Marr RFC not to disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements which cannot be justified.
This policy reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all members and visitors and not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, or sex and sexual orientation. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
All members will be treated fairly and with respect. When Marr RFC selects candidates for any positions of office, training or any other benefit, it will be on the basis of their aptitude and ability.
All members in positions of office will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. Therefore, the skills and resources of our club will be fully utilised, and we will maximise the efficiency of the whole membership to further the growth of the club.
Marr RFC commitments:
• To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all members are recognised and valued.
• To create an environment that promotes dignity and respect for every member.
• To not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to discipline those that breach this policy.
• To make training, development, and progression opportunities available to all members in positions of office or members that wish to take up positions of office.
• To promote equality in the workplace, which Marr RFC believes is good management practice and aligns with all SRU policies.
• To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures.
• To encourage members to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
• To regularly review all our club practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times.
Marr RFC will inform all members that an equality and diversity policy is in operation and that they are obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness both at the club and when visiting other clubs or organisations while representing the club.
Marr RFCs equality and diversity policy is fully supported by the committee of the club.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Exemptions to the policy
• Marr RFC reserves the right to limit both rugby and non-rugby related physical activities to persons of specific age, gender or disability groups where this is necessary to ensure equitable, safe and equal competition.
• Some positions of office at the club, such as some coaching staff positions but not limited to this particular position of office, where the position requires any interactions with persons vulnerable or under the age of 18 require that a mandatory minimum qualification be obtained by the member prior to holding the position of office. The minimum qualification requirements for any such role are clearly stated in the related club policies and role descriptions. Where a club policy is not available the relevant SRU policy will apply, these can be found on the SRU website.
In the event that any employee, member, volunteer, visitor or visiting team feels that he, she or they have suffered discrimination or harassment in any way or that the policies, rules or code of conduct have been broken they should in the first instance contact Club Secretary